Friday, April 22, 2011

Ta Dah!

All done!


Liferoom is another huge part of what we do in the Atelier program (3 hours a day).  The same model will pose for us for the week.  Occasionally there will be two models, but that's pretty rare.  The models will either hold one pose for a whole week or divide the week in half with two poses.  They go for 20 minute intervals.  We start every liferoom session out with five 1-minute gestures, one 5-minute, and, one 10.  Recently we've been doing memory drawings where easels are in a different room then the model so we have to remember the pose, walk in the other room and then draw it.  It's helpful, but doesn't look as good.  Here's some of my more recent not-memory drawings...

At the moment I'm noticing a significant increase in the speed in which I'm able to crank these guys out.  While when I first joined the Atelier, it would take me a full week to do things not nearly as successful, these guys are taking me about 6 hours.